Lame ArgumentsThe information below is for LAME version 3.54 ( GPSYCHO: GPL psycho-acoustic model version 0.75. Arguments [options] <infile> [outfile] OPTIONS : -m
(s)tereo, (j)oint, (f)orce or (m)ono
(default j)
force = force ms_stereo on all frames.
set the bitrate, default 128kbps
sampling frequency of input file(kHz)
- default 44.1
sfreq sampling frequency of output
file(kHz)- default=input sfreq
input file is a MP3 file
experimental voice mode
use variable bitrate (VBR)
quality setting for VBR.
default n=4
0=high quality,bigger files.
9=smaller files
specify minimum allowed bitrate, default
specify maximum allowed bitrate, default
disable Xing VBR informational tag
disable VBR histogram display
use (maybe) quality improvements
fast mode (low quality)
disable sfb=21 cutoff
allow channels to have different block
only use the ATH for masking
input is raw pcm
force byte-swapping of input
downmix from stereo to mono file for
mono encoding
de-emphasis n/5/c (obsolete)
error protection. adds 16bit checksum
to every frame
(the checksum is computed correctly)
mark as copyright
mark as non-original
-S don't print progress report, VBR histograms Specifying any of the following options will add an ID3 tag --tt
<title> title
of song (max 30 chars)
<artist> artist
who did the song (max 30 chars)
<album> album
where it came from (max 30 chars)
<year> year
in which the song/album was made
(max 4 chars)
--tc <comment> additional info (max 30 chars) MPEG1 sample rates(kHz): 32 44.1 48 bit rates(kbs): 32 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320 MPEG2 sample rates(kHz): 16 22.05 24 bit rates(kbs): 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 144 160